Top 25 Places of Latvia

Latvia can rightfully be called the heart of the Baltic states, because all the best that this region can boast is collected here. The ancient architecture of the cities borders on the modesty and charm of the villages, modern multi-storey business centers are adjacent to centuries-old castles and palaces, churches and cathedrals that preserve the mysteries of the past. Here, the mass of health centers is concentrated, where with the help of special procedures you can effectively strengthen your body. Locals are tactful and courteous in a European manner, while being very hospitable and committed to centuries-old traditions. If you came here for the first time and don’t know what to see in Latvia, we have compiled a list of popular places of this country especially for you, which included the most interesting sights of Latvia.

What to see in Latvia first

When searching for the ideal points of the tourist route, do not forget that you will need guides in Latvia , on whose shoulders you can shift the concerns about the information and organization of the tour. In case of independent study of the sights, be sure to look at what hours they are open for tourists and how much the entrance costs.

1. House of the Blackheads (Riga)

House of the Blackheads - sights of Latvia
House of the Blackheads on Town Hall Square in Riga
The House of the Blackheads in Riga is one of the main symbols of the Latvian capital and sights of Latvia. It regularly hosts cultural events, concerts, exhibitions, excursions. Also, the house temporarily became the residence of the Latvian president, in connection with the repair of the Riga castle.
The foundation of the House of Blackheads dates back to 1334. Since its foundation, various meetings and events of Riga societies have been held here. By the end of the 15th century, the building was leased to the Blackheads Society, in whose honor it was named later.
Who are the Blackheads? This is a fraternity of young Riga merchants under the auspices of St. George, but later Saint Mauritius began to be considered the patron saint of the fraternity, the symbol of which in the form of a black head began to be depicted on the coat of arms of the fraternity.
During the Second World War, the House of the Blackheads was significantly damaged, and in 1999 it was rebuilt from scratch. Today, it houses a museum and a concert hall, which often hosts concerts of classical music.
What is worth paying attention to when visiting the House of the Blackheads?
  • The magnificent facade of the building combines the values ​​of different styles inherent in different eras;
  • Inside, in the representative rooms, luxurious interior items attract attention - crystal chandeliers, painted ceilings, portraits of rulers in gilded carved frames, the emblem of the brotherhood, colorful stained glass windows;
  • In the museum you can see the various details of the representatives of the fraternity - snuffboxes, paintings, silverware and ceramics;
  • Having visited the festive events in the House of Blackheads, you can see how the whole interior comes to life during the celebration, and how a special aura of a social holiday is created here.

2. Rundale Palace - Museum (Zemgale region)

Rundale palace - museum - sights of Latvia
Former country residence of the Dukes of Courland
Rundale Palace - Museum in Latvia
Duke's bedroom at the Zairon Rundale Palace
An outstanding architectural monument - the Rundale Palace, which has become a joint creation of the outstanding architect Rastrelli , sculptor Graff and Italian artists Zucca and Martini, is the most important cultural heritage and valuable attraction of Latvia. This architectural masterpiece is located in the very center of the country, in the cultural and historical region of Zemgale.
The entire palace complex occupies a vast territory of more than 60 hectares, the main part of which is occupied by parks - hunting and French. In the vicinity of the complex you will also find something to see in Latvia - the nature there is very picturesque, while another attraction is very close - the Bauska Nature Park.
The Rundale Palace includes 138 rooms on two floors, but the interior, unfortunately, has not been preserved - the decoration did not spare the devastation and war. Therefore, the exhibits that are presented in the palace museum were purchased and brought from other museums. Restoration work was carried out by the best specialists of Latvia and Russia. According to sketches and historical records, the decoration was restored - the decoration of the premises, wallpaper, chandeliers, furniture, utensils were recreated. Now the castle, saved at the cost of painstaking labor, receives many visitors.
In addition to the castle itself, the park area deserves no less attention. So, the French garden was created in the 18th century, and since then its design has never changed. The park is a classic example of gardening art in Europe. Today, costume shows are periodically held here, fireworks are organized.
Official website:

3. Jurmala (20 km from Riga)

Jurmala - sights of Latvia
Wooden descent to the Gulf of Riga
Jurmala resort city is a real pearl of Latvia on the coast of the Gulf of Riga. The first resort villages of Jurmala began to form here in the 18th century, and already in the 19th century most of the districts of the city acquired the status of resort. For more than two centuries, Jurmala has remained a place for a great interesting vacation, and you will surely find something to see in Latvia if you get to this unusually beautiful city.
The list of Latvian sights in Jurmala includes more than 400 buildings of various kinds. A characteristic architectural feature of the buildings are the facades, richly decorated with lace woodcarvings. The selection of attractions is wide, and the list can be supplemented endlessly.
  • Open Air Museum - reflects the life of a Latvian village, where several centuries ago on the territory of modern buildings there were only dilapidated fishing shacks and boats.
  • The Museum of Prison History, founded in 1999, was opened in honor of the 80th anniversary of the country's prison system, and today it presents expositions of mannequins, executioners, a simulator of a pit isolator and various prison details.
  • The Museum of Aspasia and Rainis, built in 1903, stores a lot of personal belongings of the famous Latvian poetess Elsa Rosenberg, as well as a variety of furniture and peculiar household items of past centuries.
  • Livu Water Park - is one of the largest water parks in Europe, it consists of 3 levels and a 25-meter tower. Its design is made in the Caribbean style, and visitors to the water park feel like real pirates on an ancient ship.
  • Theater of luminous paintings - presents paintings by the famous artist Ermolaev in two forms: day and night. The reincarnation of the day view of the picture in the night is a bewitching sight.
  • Jurmala's motor ship is the oldest motor ship, which used to be the only way of communication with Riga. Today it is possible to take a sightseeing tour from Riga to Jurmala.

4. Gauja National Park (Gauja River Valley)

Gauja National Park - sights of Latvia
Cliff of Devonian sandstone along the banks of the Gauja River
To visit some of the sights of Latvia, it is advisable to single out, perhaps, immediately a multi-day trip. These places include the Gauja National Park, spread over the Gauja River Valley over an area of ​​more than 900 square kilometers - this is where there is something to see in Latvia.
This is the largest reserve park in Latvia, which is characterized by a variety of landscape forms, numerous springs, cliffs, caves, rocks, outcrops of multi-colored sandstone, unique natural and cultural monuments.
In total, the Gauja National Park has more than 500 different attractions, including ancient settlements, castles, churches, mills, estates, and many other archaeological, architectural and historical monuments.
For family holidays, you can recommend places such as:
  • Vienkoču Park is a wonderful place, the purpose of which is to popularize ancient crafts, here you can try your hand at hand crafting wood;
  • Līgatne nature trails - provide an opportunity to explore the landscapes characteristic of the ancient Gauja, here you can observe many wild animals characteristic of Latvian nature;
  • The cable car from Sigulda to Krimulda is the only air-cable route in Latvia that allows you to explore the local surroundings from dizzying heights and learn a lot about the historical heritage of these two small Latvian towns.
For lovers of outdoor activities, there are entertainments that will truly take your breath away - for example, a vertical wind tunnel near Sigulda, jumping from an elastic cable car, Sigulda bobsleigh track, numerous adventure parks.
Check out beautiful places in Latvia in this wonderful video!

5. The city of Kuldiga (150 km from the city of Riga)

Kuldiga - sights of Latvia
Kuldiga Old Town
In the heart of the historical Kurzeme region, on the Venta River, there is a beautiful provincial town of Kuldiga. It is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque cities in Latvia, because it is here, on a small territory, that you can meet a lot of amazing sights of Latvia - for example, flying fish, Europe’s largest waterfall, cave labyrinth and ancient palaces.
Today it is difficult to imagine that several centuries ago this city was an important trading point, ships were built here, grapes were grown, wine from which was even delivered to neighboring countries.
What to visit in Latvia if you arrived or turned out to be in the town of Kuldiga?
  • Kuldig Castle is the first castle in Kuldig, the construction of which was completed in 1245. The fortress was placed in a very beautiful place near the waterfall, and in less than a hundred years the city of Kuldiga grew around the castle. The fortress is in a dilapidated state - medieval wars and time played a role. But today, an attractive city park is spread around the ruins of the fortress.
  • One of the most enjoyable and fun summer activities in Kuldiga is swimming under the Ventas Rumba waterfall. Everyone can swim under the jets of the waterfall, especially since on the right bank of the Ventas River for this purpose special pools are equipped.
  • In the season from April to May in Kuldiga on the Ventas River, you can observe an amazing sight - flying fish. Numerous fish, setting off to spawn, swim against the stream, emerge from river waters to a height of 2.5 meters and try to storm the barrier in the form of Ventas Rumba Falls.
  • The Kuldigi City Museum contains thousands of unique exhibits telling about the rich historical past of Kuldigi.

6. Turaida Castle (Sigulda)

Turaida Castle - Latvian Attractions
View of the western part of Turaida Castle
Just 50 kilometers from the Latvian capital is a beautiful provincial town - Sigulda. His hallmark was the honorable landmark of Latvia - the 13th century Turaida castle. Once in the Middle Ages there was a bishop's residence, the Livonian Order was located and even a garrison of Swedish soldiers was located. Today, the fortress retains the imprint of antiquity, so the castle today has acquired the status of a museum complex, and a museum reserve has been created on its territory.
The museum complex includes not only the castle, but also the mass of surrounding historical buildings - in total there are 37 such structures. The castle itself was founded in 1214 by the bishop of Riga on the right bank of the Gauja. Unfortunately, the fortress did not retain its original appearance from those times, therefore it survived a lot of reconstructions, but nevertheless, it did not lose its appearance. Numerous legends that exist about the castle and its inhabitants, and the very name of the castle, translated as “the Divine Garden”, have survived to this day.
The key and oldest element of the castle is the main tower. Now an observation deck is equipped on its upper level, and a museum exposition is located on the lower level. In addition to the tower, exhibits are held in the southern and western buildings of the castle. On the territory of the museum-reserve, archaeological excavations do not stop to this day, new finds are discovered that subsequently replenish the museum’s collection.
Today, Turaida Castle has become a popular tourist attraction - along with excursions, holidays, exhibitions are regularly organized on its territory, concerts of classical and modern music are held.
Official website: http: //www.turaida-muzejs

7. Mitava Palace (city of Jelgava)

Mitava Palace - Latvian Attractions
Facade of the Mitava Palace from the courtyard
On the flat island between the Lielupe River and its tributaries in 1738, the Mitava (Jelgava) Palace, the most important historical attraction of Latvia, was laid by the architect Rastrelli. The initiator of the construction was the Duke of Courland Biron .
Today, the Mitau Palace is the largest baroque palace in the Baltic States. The construction of the palace took place in several stages and lasted several decades.
  • Previously in 1737, the territory was cleared for construction - the palace of the Livonian Order of the 14th century was blown up.
  • In 1740, construction was suspended due to the arrest and exile of the duke. At that time, the palace was not yet under the roof.
  • In 1763, after the pardon of Biron and his return from exile, the construction of the palace resumed.
  • In 1772, the duke finally moved to his residence, but until his death he did not have time to live there for six months.
  • After the accession of the duchy to Russia, the palace changed owners more than once.
  • In 1918, the interior of the palace was completely destroyed by the Russian troops of Bermondt-Avalov, in 1944 the palace was even more damaged during the Second World War.
  • In our years, a museum has been organized in the palace, where you can see the family tombs of the Dukes of Courland and Zemgale. There is practically no information about the original interiors. Today, the Latvian Agricultural University operates in the palace.

8. Bauska Castle (Bauska town)

Bauska castle - sights of Latvia
In the courtyard of the Bauska Castle
Bauska is a city in central Latvia, in the Zemgale region. Founded in the 15th century by German knights, today Bauska is rich in historical monuments and keeps events of centuries-old history, so you will surely find what to visit in Latvia, once in this town. For example, the Bauska Castle, built at the confluence of the Musa and Memesele rivers for the knights of the Livonian Order, confirms this.
The fortress was surrounded by a system of fortifications, later ceremonial halls and living quarters were erected.
Soon after completion of construction, a craft and fishing settlement formed around the castle, which later became the city of Bauska.
The castle was in the ownership of the Livonian Order until 1561, after which it began to regularly change its owners, the ducal court and the office moved to it.
In 1625, the castle was captured by the Swedes, and in the beginning of the 18th century it was completely blown up by order of the Russian emperor Peter I.
The castle was remembered again only in the 20th century, when in 1970 the surviving ruins were subject to a long and thorough restoration, after which a museum was opened within its walls. Various events, concerts and festivals are regularly held to attract visitors to the castle.
The castle complex includes the ducal palace, which houses the exposition, as well as the ruins of the castle of the Livonian Order with a viewing tower. The court life of the Middle Ages, holidays and weekdays, attires, habits, foundations - the whole past is reflected in the Bauska Castle very clearly and realistically.

9. Dinaburg Castle (19 km from Daugavpils)

Dinaburg Castle - sights of Latvia
Miniature model of the castle of Dinaburg
The beginning of the Latvian city, which has repeatedly changed its name (Dinaburg, Nevgin, Dvinsk, Borisoglebsk, Daugavpils), was laid by the castle of Dinaburg, erected in 1275 by order of the master of the Livonian Order Ernest Ratzeburg.
This attraction of Latvia had its own difficult history - from the moment of erection for the castle, battles took place several times, and it constantly passed into the hands of Lithuanian, Polish or Russian authorities.
  • In 1772, the Dinaburg fortress was ceded to Russia, and the construction of the castle began here. The view in which the castle now appears is the fourth in the history of Dinaburg.
  • In 1810, the active construction of protective structures began here, the height of the protective shafts reached 11 meters. The fortification work was carried out so qualitatively that even a three-day siege by Napoleon’s troops did not allow the fortress to be captured.
  • Since 1813, the construction of the fortress continued - barracks, residential buildings, and four fortress gates were built.
  • In 1827, the construction of a hospital for five hundred people was completed.
In general, the improvement of fortifications continued until 1878, but by the end of the 19th century the fortress had lost its defensive purpose and acquired the status of a warehouse fortress, which housed workshops for the manufacture and storage of shells and gunpowder.
In the period after the Second World War, from 1947, an aviation school began to function here. The territory of the fortress was gradually being put in order, sports grounds were being equipped, and the landscaping was taking place.
Today, the fortress of Dinaburg is an example of fortification art. Despite the many trials of time, some forts and ramparts remained intact. Over time, the authorities of Daugavpils expect to turn this complex into a modern cultural center.

10. Kemeri National Park (Jurmala)

Ериemeri National Park - Latvian Attractions
Sunset in Kemeri National Park
In the central region of Latvia - Zemgale, not far from the well-known Jurmala, Kemeri National Park is located. The area of ​​the park is colossal - more than 38 thousand ha, and these territories are occupied by forests and swamps, under which hydrogen sulfide mineral water is formed in one of the soil layers. This attraction of Latvia is famous for its very rich vegetation and wildlife - for example, about 900 fern, more than 2,200 species of mosses, one and a half hundred lichens, more than 500 species of mushrooms grow here. A quarter of the plants growing in the park are listed in the Red Book of Latvia.
Particularly favorable living conditions for various birds have been formed in the reserve, which are being monitored and special towers have been erected for this purpose.
The formation of the resort in Kemeri Park was due to the use of the healing properties of hydrogen sulfide sources. Due to the swampiness, the springs were inaccessible for a long time, no roads were laid to them. However, after joining part of the park to the Russian Empire in 1783, Kemeri began to develop rapidly as a resort.
  • In 1801, Academician Lovitz does a chemical analysis of mineral waters from hydrogen sulfide sources. The study showed that the source waters have truly miraculous healing properties.
  • Finally, 1838 is considered the moment of the foundation of the resort, and this is due to the fact that it was at this time that the first bath was founded on the territory of Kemeri, as well as the administration of the resort.
  • In 1851-61, a park was established here and a whole resort system was created.
  • In the 1930s, the first sanatorium was founded in the park, where it was treated with mineral water and mud, and this time is considered the beginning of the heyday of Kemeri.
  • After the difficult years of World War II, the resort began to flourish, when the sanatorium began to be filled with a huge number of people every year and the developed infrastructure of the park was created.

Sights of Latvia: what else to visit while in Latvia

The country is opened for tourists from different directions, and in order to form a holistic image, we recommend excursions in Latvia to places from the list below. In it you will find both natural wonders and memorabilia of history and architecture. Use your chance to spend a wonderful vacation here, even if you have only a couple of days left.

11. Old Riga (Riga city)

Old Riga - sights of Latvia
Evening Old Riga
In the very center of the Latvian capital is its historical part - Old Riga. You will surely find something to see in Latvia if you get to this amazing place - the main Riga sights are concentrated here in a relatively small area. Almost all the buildings of Old Riga are important sights of Latvia, and the through traffic on the streets of this district is closed. Therefore, here you can stroll slowly, studying the monuments of architecture and feeling the atmosphere of antiquity.
Whatever your route, it is worth noting that acquaintance with Riga is still worth starting with Old Riga. Getting into its narrow cobbled streets, as if you are falling into the past several centuries ago: strict Gothic cathedrals and charming medieval houses, ancient courtyards, numerous museums, coffee houses with amazingly delicious cakes - all this conveys the unique flavor of the Middle Ages.
Highlighting the list of memorable places of Old Riga, it is worth paying special attention to the following:
  • Riga castle of the 13th century on the banks of the Daugava;
  • Dome Cathedral with one of the largest organ in the world;
  • Peter's Tower is a visiting card of Riga, one of its main church buildings;
  • Town Hall Square - the main square of the city, which has become the venue for numerous city events;
  • The Swedish gates are the only gates in the fortress wall of the city that have preserved their original appearance to this day;
  • Large and small guilds - buildings that housed unions of like-minded townspeople, united by occupation;
  • House of the Blackheads - a building that was owned by the Brotherhood of the Blackheads - a union of young foreign merchants.

12. Aglona Basilica (Aglona village, 250 km from Riga)

Aglona Basilica - sights of Latvia
Aglona Basilica near the monastery
Aglona Basilica in Latvia
Interior of the Aglona Basilica in Aglone Zairon
Aglona Basilica is a large shrine and a landmark of Latvia of international importance. It is located in the east of Latvia, 40 kilometers from Daugavpils.
The first mention of the village of Aglona dates back to 1236. And in 1697, local landowners asked the bishop to build a monastery and a school in the village. Later, the first wooden basilica was built here and male and female monasteries were established.
  • In 1768, local residents again petitioned now for the construction of a capital temple, and by 1789 a baroque stone basilica had grown in place of a wooden one, and a monastery building was erected. Later, when the healing properties of local sources were revealed, in 1824 pump-rooms were built here and a hospital was organized.
  • In 1980, Pope John Paul II in honor of the 200th anniversary of the basilica awarded her the title of "Small Basilica" - the special status of a Catholic church, giving it a lot of privileges.
  • In 1989, the pilgrimage tradition to the Aglona Basilica on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin was renewed.
  • In 1993, Pope at the Basilica of John Paul II celebrated Mass at the Aglona Basilica with the participation of about 400 thousand pilgrims.
  • Nowadays, on August 15 every year pilgrims from the Baltic countries and from Russia come to Aglona, ​​a service is held, which is attended by many senior officials, Roman priests and heads of other Latvian churches.

13. Ethnographic Open Air Museum (Riga)

Ethnographic Open Air Museum - Latvian Attractions
Part of the exposition of the Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum
One of the largest European museums is located in Latvia, only half an hour drive from its capital. An ethnographic open-air museum is something that you should definitely visit in Latvia if your route passes through Riga. Here, over a vast territory of 90 hectares, ancient buildings of past centuries (17th - 20th centuries) are collected - houses, farm buildings, temples, mills and even entire households with many household items inherent in that era - there are 118 buildings in total. All these buildings were dismantled and carefully transported from all the Latvian regions, after which they were erected again on the territory of the museum.
If we compare the Latvian Ethnographic Museum with other museums of this type, this museum is unique in its own way - its exposition began to form in the early 20th century. This is an amazing place where you can deeply feel the spirit of antiquity and literally embark on a journey through the milestones of Latvian history:
  • see the features, similarities and differences in the life of Latvians in different centuries;
  • find out what traditions Latvians have kept for centuries, how they soared in bathhouses or decorated courtyards, spent holidays or engaged in everyday life;
  • find out how the Russian Old Believers lived in such Latvian regions as Lattgale and Kurzeme;
  • visit ancient churches of various Latvian denominations;
  • visit the storehouse of the museum with its huge archive;
  • walk through the courtyards of Latvian peasants and artisans, study their everyday objects that are characteristic of a certain historical period.

14. Botanical Garden (Riga)

What to see in Latvia - Botanical Garden
Rhododendrons in the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia
A ten-minute drive from the center of Riga is the green attraction of Latvia - the University of Latvia Botanical Garden, founded in 1922. For many years since its foundation, the garden has regularly been replenished with new species of plants from around the world - in total, about 6 thousand plants grow in the park with an area of ​​15 hectares. Today, the botanical garden has become a favorite place for walking and relaxing - here you can leisurely walk along the verdant alleys, visit many greenhouses and just enjoy nature in the heart of the capital city. Both professional gardeners and ordinary laymen will find here a lot of new and interesting things.
  • Among the greenhouses, the main one is the greenhouse of palm trees, in which you can study subtropic plants.
  • Plants adapted to life in the desert are represented in the greenhouse of succulents - there are about 700 of them, half of which are cacti.
  • The azalea greenhouse presents an exposition of 124 species of azaleas - evergreen shrubs obtained through phased crosses.
  • There is a decorative and ecological exposition on the territory of the garden, including 7 gardens - rocky, phlox, heather, rhododendron, dahlia, roses and lilies.
  • A small plot of about 100 square meters. meters in the garden are occupied by artificially created bogs, on which cranberries, andromeda and other marsh plants characteristic of Latvia grow.
  • Every year, in the middle of July, a gardening festival is held on the territory of the park, to which everyone is invited - from professional breeders to ordinary amateur gardeners.

15. Latvian National Museum of Art (Riga)

What to see in Latvia - Latvian National Museum of Art
The building of the Latvian National Museum of Art
In the heart of Riga, namely in its boulevard ring, is the famous cultural attraction of Latvia - the Latvian National Museum of Art, which has become the largest repository of art in the country. The building of the art museum in itself is an impressive architectural monument of national importance. This is the first building in the Baltic States, erected specifically to house the museum. The building was founded in 1905 according to the project of architect Wilhelm Neumann, and its facade is an ensemble of Baroque and Classicism styles.
The museum's collection includes more than 52 thousand exhibits - the works of sculptors and artists of the Baltic states and Russia. Not so long ago, the museum underwent a massive reconstruction and in 2016 opened in a new look, but retaining the monumentality of the old building.
What can be seen in the museum today?
  • An exhibition of Latvian art from the 19th and 20th centuries presents the history of Latvian art over the past two centuries.
  • In the new exhibition hall you can see temporary expositions on topics that are relevant to our days.
  • On the roof of the museum there are two terraces from which you can admire Riga's surroundings from a height.
  • Of great interest among visitors is a modernized environment in which you can arrange a full-fledged tour without the services of a guide - by downloading a special
  • application, you can take advantage of the interactive electronic guide.
Official website:

16. Daugavpils fortress (Daugavpils city)

Daugavpils fortress in Latvia
Dinaburg fortress of the beginning of the XIX century on both banks of the Western Dvina River in the city of Daugavpils
An important role in the formation of the country's portrait is played by the historical and architectural sights of Latvia, the presentation of which will not do without an old historical monument in the city of Daugavpils - the last bastion type fort in Europe. The fortress, located on an area of ​​150 hectares on both sides of the Daugava River, in its structure resembles the layout of a military town, with a centrally located parade ground around which there are a number of administrative, farm buildings and barracks. Some of the buildings are decorated in the Empire style, while the other part of the buildings is decorated in the Gothic style. Today, in the premises of the fortress there is a center of modern art with the works of many Latvian and foreign artists, as well as an art center with samples of painting, graphics, photography and author's ceramics.
Official website: http: // dinaburg

17. Dome Cathedral (Riga)

Dome Cathedral in Latvia
View from the central (Dome) square in the Old Town of the Riga Dome Cathedral
In the very heart of the country on the shores of the Baltic Sea, the city of Riga, there is a recognizable metropolitan symbol - Riga Dome Cathedral. The largest cathedral in Latvia is also one of its leading spiritual centers; concerts of sacred and organ music are held here. In addition to the cathedral itself, the architectural ensemble includes the Dome Monastery with the oldest city museum of navigation and the Cross Gallery. The origins of the magnificent building date back to 1211, when its first stone was laid - at that time the temple was to become a symbol of success in the conquest of Livonia. The interior design of the cathedral, which can be seen now, is the result of restoration work of the 19th century: a rather austere and austere Gothic interior is made in white tones, only its long and narrow windows are decorated with multi-colored stained-glass windows,
Official website:

18. St. Peter's Church (Riga)

St. Peter's Church in Latvia
Spire of St. Peter's Church among the red tiled roofs of the Old Town of Riga
St. Peter's Church in Latvia
Interior of St. Peter's Church in Riga Diliff
Looking for what to see in Latvia in winter ,for outdoor activities, you can go to the ski resorts of Sigulda or Madonna, or you can visit the beautiful winter city of Riga, with its medieval castles and other ancient buildings. One of these structures is the iconic St. Peter's Church, which stands out against the backdrop of city panoramas with a high spire crowned with a cockerel figure. Today it is an active Lutheran church, in which masses are regularly held, and on its recognizable spire, at an altitude of 71 meters, there is an observation deck with a wonderful surrounding view. The date of erection of the church is considered to be 1209, when it became the main temple for privileged persons of feudal society. The pink brick interior halls have a strict decoration with laconic carved wood decor elements and ancient epitaphs.
Official website: http: // peterbaznica.

19. Waterfall on the Venta River (Kuldiga)

Venta river waterfall in Latvia
Venta River and the widest waterfall in Europe - Venta Waterfall in Kuldiga
Despite the fact that Latvia cannot boast of equally powerful waterfalls, say, like Niagara or Iguazu, on the territory of this country there is the widest Venta waterfall in Europe. Its width is about 110 meters, and in flood all 280 meters, although the height is very small - from 1.6 to 2.2 meters across the entire width. Due to the specific shape of the rapids from which the water falls, the waterfall has an amazing zigzag line. Regularly, at certain points in autumn and spring, there is a spectacular sight here - spawning fish trying to jump over the river threshold, and a few centuries ago this feature began to be used for fishing. Since then, Kuldiga is known as a city in which fish are caught directly in the air - for example, during the spawning season, from 80 to 100 salmon can be caught per day.

20. Riga Castle (Riga)

Riga castle in Latvia
View of the Riga Castle from the Daugava in Old Riga
The most important cultural sights of Latvia are concentrated in its capital, and one of them is the Riga Castle, which today is the official residence of the Latvian President. It is located in the Old Town of Riga, on the banks of the Daugava River. The beginning of the history of the large-scale castle dates back to the times of confrontation between the inhabitants of Riga and the Livonian Order in the 14th century, when the knights of the order decided to build a suburban fortress. It turned out to be very impressive, but another conflict in the 15th century literally wiped this structure off the face of the earth. The structure was completely restored, and over the centuries it was repeatedly rebuilt and supplemented with the advent of new authorities, but invariably remained the core of political life.
Official website: https: //www.president

21. Riga TV Tower (Riga)

Riga TV Tower in Latvia
Riga TV tower on Zakusala island (“Hare Island”) in the middle of the Daugava River (Western Dvina)
Of course, the sights of Riga will not do without the highest of the Baltic buildings - the 369-meter Riga TV tower. The construction of the tower started back in Soviet times, in 1980, and lasted about 10 years. Instead of the usual reinforced concrete in construction, an innovative material was used at that time - steel sheets that provided the structure with unprecedented strength - according to calculations, the safety factor of this structure is designed for 2.5 centuries! At the 100-meter level there is the first observation deck, at 134 meters - the second. The appearance of the TV tower is very peculiar - it is a design of 3 supports and a spire. There are two inclined rail elevators in its supports, as well as a conventional elevator connecting the observation deck with lower technical levels.

22. Birini Manor (Birini Village)

Birini Manor (Birini Village)
Former noble estate of Birini surrounded by a large landscape park simka
Not far from Sigulda, on a small hill near the mirror lake Birini, an elegant castle of 1860 rises majestically, attracting attention with a combination of delicate pink and white tones and graceful turrets. Like the castle, nature itself, which frames this creation, is magnificent too - this is a wonderful park with lakes and an abundance of diverse greenery. The general architectural solution of the building belongs to the Neo-Gothic, although the interiors are decorated in a romantic Neo-Renaissance style. The estate received its name in honor of the glorious knight Johann Bering, who received this estate from the king for his exploits in the 13th century, which later changed his owners several times. Today, the guests of the estate are provided with a number of opportunities - rest at the hotel, holding celebrations, visiting the baths, horseback riding, and a boat ride on the lake.
Official website: https: //www.birinupils.

23. Freedom Monument (Riga)

Freedom Monument in Latvia
Freedom Monument on Brivibas Boulevard in the historical center of Riga
Traveling in the Baltic states, you can cover the sights of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in one trip - the benefit is that very short distances allow you to implement such a plan. One has only to set off on the highway Tallinn-Riga, along which there are diverse interesting places. Once in the final destination - Riga, you can visit one of the key sites in the heart of the Latvian capital - the Freedom Monument. This symbol of Latvia’s independence is a tribute to all those who gave their lives for their country during the years of the Civil War. The 42-meter stele is crowned with a 9-meter sculpture of Liberty, a young woman who holds three stars in her hands, symbolizing three Latvian cultural and historical regions. The foot of the monument is decorated with several bas-reliefs representing historical scenes and the most important human values ​​of society.

24. Natural park “Daugavas Loki” (Daugava river)

Natural park "Daugavas Loki" in Latvia
View from the Vasargelish lookout tower to the Daugavas Loki Nature Park
The tourist map of Latvia is replete with interesting objects - for example, in the south-eastern part of the country, on both sides of the Daugava River, there is a picturesque corner - the Daugavas Loki Natural Park. In this place, the Daugava has numerous bends, creating suitable conditions for boating - this moment is not disregarded, therefore, along the river there are a number of rental points for boats and rafts, as well as excellent places for halts. In addition, the park holds unique historical monuments - the fact is that the river from ancient times served as the basis for the development of the territories adjacent to it, and castles were built on its banks and entire settlements formed. Therefore, today in the park you can see more than 20 archaeological sites, for example: Vecpils ancient settlement, Vasargalish tower, Markovo and Vecrachinsky ancient settlement,

25. Karosta Prison Museum (Liepaja)

Karosta Prison Museum in Latvia
Karosta Prison Territory in Liepaja Keith Ruffles
In the Latvian city of Liepaja there is an unusual historical museum ,of great interest to many tourists. This is Karosta prison, or guardhouse, erected in 1900 and originally served as a hospital. This object is unique in that it is the only prison in Europe open for sightseeing visits. This place is known for terrible and sometimes bloody events - for example, during totalitarian regimes mass executions were carried out here. There are no less gloomy reviews of local residents who claim that mystical things are happening in these walls, restless ghosts roam the corridors of the prison. Those who wish to dilute the heavy impressions of what they see have something to see on the way to Liepaja: for example, a very spectacular picture - snow-white roadside windmills in the middle of the plains, against the background of the bottomless Latvian sky.
When you are in Latvia, think about visiting a country known for its medieval architecture and delicious beer - the Czech Republic. Read about the sights of the Czech Republic and be inspired by new ideas for traveling around Europe!

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