Top 25 Places of Greece to Visit

If you do not know why Greece is called the cradle of civilization, you should definitely visit its attractions. The ruins of ancient temples, amazing monuments of history and architecture show tourists how prosperous this state was. But the modern beauties of Greece attract visitors - this is nature, and beaches, and delicious local dishes. Not sure what to see in Greece? Especially for you, we have compiled a list of popular places in this country, which included the most interesting sights of Greece.

What to see in Greece first

The centuries-old and eventful history of the country has become the reason that there are a lot of attractions. Guides in Greece are able to organize acquaintance with numerous tourist attractions - they can be arranged upon arrival or in advance, telling about your preferences.

1. Acropolis of Athens (Athens city)

Sights of Greece - Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
The Acropolis has always been and still is the hallmark of Athens. Thousands of tourists come to this truly magical place every year who want to see with their own eyes the most interesting sights of Greece.
The Acropolis of Athens was able to withstand many natural disasters and devastating wars. Neither cataclysms nor people were able to destroy the historic building, amazing the imagination with its incredible forms and grandeur.
The first temples of the Acropolis were laid in archaic times. After began a large-scale development of the hill. At first, this place was the residence of the king. Over time, it began to acquire architectural forms that have remained virtually untouched to this day. So gradually the Acropolis turned into a small town.
The sculptures, which were located in the Acropolis, for some reason were replaced by exact replicas. Their originals are now in various museums in Europe. Now, instead of a magnificent building, there are only ruins. Architects are trying to restore individual elements of the most significant objects. They will need many years to complete this project.
Official website :

2. Panathinaikos (Athens city)

Sights of Greece - Panathinaikos
Antique Panathinaikos Stadium in Athens
In the heart of Athens is a unique stadium that is known to the world as Panathinaikos. Tourists pay special attention to this attraction of Greece. The oldest building is built of white marble. After the restoration of the destroyed elements at the stadium, the first Olympic Games were held, which are recorded in modern history.
Travelers who are wondering what to visit in Greece should definitely visit Panathinaikos. In ancient times, the Panathenaic Games, which were considered the most important festival in Athens, were held at this stadium.
The capital reconstruction of the stadium was carried out two centuries ago, immediately after its excavation. The work was sponsored by the activist Zapas. He funded the Olympic competitions in 1870 and 1875.
At the moment, Panathinaikos is used not only as a platform for sports competitions. Also at the stadium conduct various concerts and exhibitions that are dedicated to Greek culture. Therefore, while visiting this attraction, Athens guests can not only enjoy the views of the stadium, but also get to know its history more closely.
Official website :

3. Temple of Olympian Zeus (Athens city)

Sights of Greece - Temple of Olympian Zeus
The ruins of the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens
The list, which contains the sights of Greece, would not be complete if there was no temple of Olympic Zeus in it. It is so large that in size exceeds even the legendary Parthenon. Its construction continued for 650 years. If you believe the famous myths, the temple was erected on the site of the sanctuary of the ancestor of the Greeks Deucalion.
Inside the architectural structure were two huge statues. The first was made of ivory and gold. She personified the god Olympus Zeus. The second was created in honor of the emperor Hadrian, who actively participated in the construction of the temple. Unfortunately, both statues were destroyed.
If the traveler does not know what to see in Greece, then he should immediately go to Athens to visit the legendary temple of Zeus.
Now the attraction is not in the best form. Only one of the parts survived from the temple. According to assumptions, the structure was destroyed as a result of a strong earthquake. Also, probably, it was dismantled for building materials.
The corner of the temple of Zeus that has survived to this day consists of fourteen separate columns, two of which stand separately, and one is in a fallen state.

4. Knossos Palace (Crete Island)

Sights of Greece - Knossos Palace
Fragments of the Knossos Palace recreated by Evans from the ruins
Knossos Palace in Greece
Throne Room in Knossos Palace Andy Montgomer
Knossos Palace in Greece
Wall painting of the bathroom with dolphins and flying fish in Knossos Palace
At the beginning of the last century, the Knossos Palace was excavated and partially reconstructed, which occupies a leading position in the ranking of “The Best Attractions of Greece”. Today it is one of the most visited places loved by many tourists on the island of Crete.
Knossos Palace historians consider the center of the Minoan civilization, which during the years of its prosperity was the most developed state in the world. The palace consisted of more than 1300 rooms - it is not difficult to guess that it occupied a huge area. At least 12,000 people could freely accommodate in his chambers. According to legends, Knossos in those days was the property of King Minos, whom many know from the myths about the famous Labyrinth and its eternal inhabitant, the Minotaur.
The Knossos Palace had to be rebuilt several times, as it was heavily affected by earthquakes, tsunamis and fires. Two centuries ago, its large-scale reconstruction began. Archaeologist Evans, who discovered this attraction, was able to restore part of the legendary palace.
Today, tourists are given the opportunity to enjoy the unique architecture of the time. Evans did a good job of rebuilding the palace. Therefore, it is difficult for guests of the island to understand which of the existing buildings are the remains of an ancient structure, and which were recreated by the efforts of an archaeologist.

5. Temple of Apollo (Delphi)

Sights of Greece - Temple of Apollo
Sacred place of ancient Greece Temple of Apollo at Delphi
In the city of Delphi, as in other resort areas, you can see interesting sights of Greece. Here is the temple of Apollo. All residents of the country had to collect money for its construction. Also, a large sum of the project was donated by the rulers of neighboring states. The rectangular structure was decorated with many pillars. Six of them were located on the facades, and fifteen were on the sides of the temple.
Many local excursions include a visit to this picturesque corner. Unfortunately, the temple of Apollo has not been preserved to this day in its original form. Some of its parts had to be constantly restored due to collapses. During the restoration, the architects were guided by the previous construction plan, which provided for the preservation of the shape and number of pillars.
Outside the temple, you can see unusual friezes that are dedicated to the war of the centaurs with the Amazons. All sculptural compositions of this place were created in violation of the classical form and proportions, due to which they attract the attention of tourists.
For a long time, tourists did not know about the existence of the temple of Apollo, since it is remote from the main cities of Greece. However, over time, it has become an important architectural monument of this region.
Check out the beautiful places of Greece in this wonderful video!

6. Navagio Beach (Zakynthos Island)

Sights of Greece - Navagio Beach
Navagio Beach on Zakynthos Island
Guests of Zakynthos who are interested in the sights of Greece should definitely visit the unique Navagio beach. Travelers can get here only by ship, since this place is hidden from prying eyes.
Tourists who do not know what to see in Greece will be happy to visit Navagio, the pearl of these parts. The local beach is covered with golden sand washed by crystal clear water. This is a real piece of paradise that you never want to say goodbye to.
Navagio is also called a shipwreck island. This is because in the past a ship of smugglers sank here. It is still not known exactly why this happened.
The beach will delight travelers who want to relax from the noisy cities. Indeed, in these parts there is not even the slightest sign of civilization. Here, a person begins to experience a certain isolation from the outside world, which fills him with calmness and harmony. Navagio gives its guests a unique opportunity to merge with pristine nature.
If you are going to sunbathe, do not forget to bring sunscreen and a panama hat. There is no other way to protect yourself from the sun's rays, since in clear weather there is absolutely no shadow on the beach. So tourists should take care of personal comfort in advance.

7. Monasteries of Meteora (Kalambaka)

Sights of Greece - Meteora Monasteries
The complex of monasteries of Meteora on the tops of the cliffs of Thessaly
In the northern part of Greece, near the town of Kalambaka, there is a unique place called Meteora. It is distinguished by its beauty and unusual history of appearance. In addition, there are several monasteries.
Under the influence of natural phenomena over many millennia, huge stone pillars were formed, the height of which is from 300 to 600 m.Many of modern climbers would not dare to climb such rocks, but this did not stop the hermits from building temples there.
Sights of Greece rightfully include the monasteries of Meteora. Six of them remain now: four men and two women. Getting to such places used to be problematic. You could climb a steep rock using a ladder, or you could be lifted in a basket with a winch. Now steps are made in the rock for a safe ascent.
Monasteries are open to pilgrims and tourists to visit from April to September and from November to March. Arriving on weekends, you can visit all the monasteries after spending about an hour in each of them.
Restoration work has made available to view the ancient frescoes. The monasteries have souvenir shops where you can buy something for memory. Meteora Monasteries can be safely included in the list of the most beautiful places on our planet .
Official website :

8. The Lion Gate (Mycenae)

Sights of Greece - Lion Gate
The Lion Gate of the Acropolis of Mycenae
Mycenae is one of the most ancient cities in Greece. When planning a trip to this country, do not miss the opportunity to visit it. Excavations in the vicinity of Mycenae open up new treasures, one of which is the Lion Gate Guides will tell you the story of this building.
Greek cities have their own peculiarity - they were built on a hill and protected by a powerful wall. The wall surrounding Mycenae was 900 m high and 6 to 10 m thick. The Lion Gate served as the main entrance. For their construction used four blocks weighing up to 20 tons each. They were preliminarily processed, fitting to each other in size. Above the gate was a bas-relief with lions. According to some assumptions, he appeared a little later. The animal heads, to our days, unfortunately, have not been preserved. But, according to archaeologists, they were made of gold and looked at those who entered the gate. The lions were not chosen by chance - they were considered a symbol of the Mycenae dynasty that ruled at that time. The building dates from the 13th century BC.

9. Ancient Olympia (Peloponnese Peninsula)

Sights of Greece - Ancient Olympia
Ancient Olympia in the Peloponnese
If you are looking for something to see in Greece , visit Ancient Olympia, the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games. You can come here at any time of the year. In winter, you will have the opportunity to visit interesting places, and in summer you can add to this relaxation on the beach.
Ancient Olympia is currently a nature reserve with museums and ancient temples located on its territory. Getting started is best with places located in the open. Here it will be easy to feel the power of former buildings, including the temples of Zeus, erected in 470-456 BC. e., and Hera. The remains of the latter are considered the oldest and date back to 1096 BC. e.
In ancient times, people came here not only for competitions, but also for worshiping the gods. Near the temple of Hera was a stadium where competitions were held. The Olympic flame before the start of the games is lit here and nowadays. To the west of the temple you can see the ruins of Filippeyon - a round building framed by columns. The construction was begun by Philip II and completed by his son Alexander the Great . Not far from this place are the ruins of the administrative building of Ancient Olympia.

10. Mount Olympus (Thessaly region)

Sights of Greece - Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus in Thessaly
One of the most famous sights of Greece - Mount Olympus - is located directly on the picturesque coast of the Aegean Sea, in Thessaly. In reality, Olympus would have been easier to call three mountains. The structure of the highest mountain range includes three peaks at once: Mitikas, Skolio and Stefani. Each of them rises above the ground by almost 3,000 meters.
The highest peak is Mitikas. It has a height of 2917 meters and breaks into the picturesque abyss of Kazan. It is not surprising that it was this picturesque place that the gods of Ancient Greece chose as their place of residence. The “Throne of Zeus” is still preserved here - it is the summit of Stephanie that resembles the luxurious throne.
Today, the sights of Greece are difficult to imagine without the mountains of Olympus. They are a national reserve and are protected by UNESCO. The status of the National Park was assigned to these beautiful places back in 1938. In 1981, UNESCO named the mountains of the gods of Greece "Part of the World Natural Heritage." The mountains received another status in 1985. Then they were recognized as part of the “Archaeological and Historical Heritage”.
The national park invites tourists to enjoy refined natural landscapes. Mountains today are inhabited by mountain goats, hedgehogs, deer, squirrels, wolves, wild boars, foxes. You can climb Olympus with the help of special lifts. Climbers climb the peaks on their own.

Sights of Greece: what else to visit while in Greece

Absolutely all travelers say how amazing the excursions in Greece are, and you can enter into their number simply by studying the list of the most interesting sights before the trip. Photos and descriptions will become important criteria when choosing where to go after arriving in the territory of Ancient Hellas.

11. Santorini Island (Aegean Sea, Cyclades archipelago)

What to see in Greece - Santorini Island
Beautiful and romantic Santorini island
This small island is considered one of the most beautiful holiday destinations in Greece. Legends say that in ancient times Santorini broke away from Libya as a result of natural disaster or was created from a special piece of land that was split off from this country by the gods. When evaluating what to see in Greece, you must include Santorini on this list.
The finds of geologists confirm this legend. The island became a reminder of an ancient geological disaster. Pompeii of the Aegean was called Santorini by French geologist F. Fouquet. Scientists have found that the tectonic fault that highlighted this beautiful territory occurred in the Tertiary period.
Further, the appearance of the island was supplemented by the activity of volcanoes, which made it round. By the way, local residents often call their place of residence exactly that way - Krugly Island.
An ancient developed civilization existed on the island, buried in a volcanic eruption around 1500 BC. This disaster in those old days ruined many cities of Crete.
Sights of Greece without this island would not be so romantic. Today, Santorini continues to be a volcano. Moreover, the largest active volcano on the planet, the eruptions of which gradually made the general outlines of Santorini crescent. The island will delight tourists with beautiful landscapes and an incredibly pleasant climate.
Official website :

12. Palace of the Grand Masters (Rhodes island)

Palace of the Grand Masters in Greece
View from the sea to the Palace of the Grand Masters (Castello) on the island of Rhodes Carlo Pelagalli
Sights of Greece - Palace of the Grand Masters
The main entrance to the palace of the Grand Masters sailko
Palace of the Grand Masters in Greece
Interior of the main hall of the Palace of the Grand Masters of Szilas
The legendary historical monuments of Greece, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, include the Palace of the Grand Masters. The first owners and builders of the Palace were the legendary knights of the Order of St. John - Hospitallers.
They ruled in Rhodes from 1309 to 1522. That is more than 200 years. It was from the Palace of the Great Masters that these two centuries ruled virtually the entire territory of the Eastern Mediterranean. Nineteen Masters sat here, on whose will all decisions made by the hospitals depended.
The beautiful island of Rhodes was previously the center of power in this territory. The Palace of the Grand Masters was erected on the site of the former temple of Helios and the Byzantine fortress that replaced it. During the templars, the pompous and magnificent palace was used as a venue for ceremonial receptions and negotiations.
Today, two large exhibitions are constantly operating at once in the palace. One tells of the times of the Crusaders. Inspecting the second, you can learn about the life of the inhabitants of the island in antiquity. The exposition occupies more than 205 halls.

13. Windmills of Mykonos (Cyclades Islands)

What to see in Greece - Mykonos Windmills
Mykonos - the island of windmills
One of the main attractions and a visiting card of the island of Mykonos are windmills. When the ship just approaches the coast of the island, you can see a spectacular sight from the rotating windmills.
The first mention of the mills was found in the notes of travelers who visited Greece in the XII-XIII centuries. Even then they were striking in their grandeur and beauty. This is not surprising, because the construction of such buildings required the same strength as for the construction of a huge sailing ship. Another important detail was the careful selection of a place for their construction. Characteristic of this area are mills in the form of round-shaped towers built of stone. For the roof, straw was most often used.
In antiquity, there were more than 600 mills. They worked almost around the clock. The successful location of the island contributed to the successful trade in flour. Now there are only 7 of them left, and even those are not used for their intended purpose. They have exhibition halls, restaurants and cafes that everyone can visit. One of the mills is used as a hotel, where tourists can spend unforgettable time on one of the most beautiful islands in the world.

14. Cave Lake Melissani (Kefalonia island)

Sights of Greece - Cave Lake Melissani
The cleanest cave lake Melissani on the island of Kefalonia
The Greek island of Kefalonia is famous for various architectural monuments and amazing nature, which attracts tourists. What to visit in Greece and where you should definitely visit, is of interest to many vacationers. The main attraction remains the lake in the cave of Melissani. The water in it is so clean and transparent that you can see that it is at a depth of ten meters.
The existence of the cave was discovered relatively recently, when one shepherd accidentally found it. This happened in 1951, after which excavations began in this place, and since 1963 the cave and lake were open to everyone.
The approximate size of the cave is 160x40 m, the entire lake occupies its territory. After the earthquake, part of the vaults was destroyed, as a result of which a hole appeared at the top that illuminates the cave. Another unusual phenomenon is water, which is both salty and fresh. Salt water is brought by the current from the Ionian Sea, located 14 km away.
Archaeological excavations have discovered that in ancient times this place was used to worship Pan - the god of fertility and shepherding. There is also a legend that the appearance of the lake is associated with the unrequited love of the nymph Melissana to the god Pan. Her shed tears turned into water. According to tradition, couples who have visited this place should hand in hand, lower them together in the water so that love is long and strong. And those who have not yet found their half are advised to wash themselves with lake water.
To enjoy the beauty of the lake, you must first go through a narrow corridor and get to the pier. This is best done at noon.

15. Butterfly Valley (Rhodes Island)

What to see in Greece - Butterfly Valley
Tropical Wildlife Park - Butterfly Valley in Rhodes
One of the most amazing places on the island of Rhodes is the Valley of the Butterflies. The locals gave her their name - Petaloudes. This amazing reserve is located 30 km from the city of Rhodes and is a park near the gorge.
What to see in Greece and what place will be remembered for a long time? If you ask such a question, be sure to visit the reserve. Only here you can observe such a fantastic spectacle as the flying myriad of colorful night butterflies. Attracted by their smell of styraxes. In the afternoon, they usually sleep, sitting on the branches of bushes or trees of Styrax. And enough harsh sound or awkward movement to wake the red-winged beauties.
Butterflies gather in the mating season from May to September. They should not be disturbed at this time. For tourists eager for new discoveries and knowledge, a museum has been created in the reserve.
In addition to butterflies, here you can see lizards basking in the sun or some rare birds. They like to sit near waterfalls or on rocks.
You can get into the Butterfly Valley by climbing the path leading up the mountain. Traveling is not easy, and it is better to prepare comfortable shoes in advance. Another surprise awaits those who get to the top - the opportunity to visit the seventeenth-century monastery built by Alexander Ipsilanti.

16. Achillion Palace (Gasturi village)

Achillion Palace in Greece
Top view of the Achillion palace on the island of Corfu
Achillion Palace in Greece
Marble sculptures of the Muses in the courtyard (peristyle) of the palace of Achilleion
Unlimited travel opportunities, endless sea expanses, picturesque mountains, breathtaking gorges are fraught with northern Greece on their lands. The sights of the north, however, are not limited only to nature. On the island of Corfu, in the capital of Kerkyra, there is an architecturally significant monument - Achillion Palace, built in the late 19th century. The complex has a second name - the “Palace of the Sad Empress”, which is associated with the history of the acquisition of these lands by Empress Elizabeth, who survived a series of family tragedies and found comfort in the tranquility of the picturesque land. Inspired by mythology, the princess placed a number of sculptures of ancient Greek gods in the palace garden, and the interior of the palace was decorated with wall paintings and carved furniture, the decor of which reproduces images of mythological characters. After a tour of Achillion,

17. The ancient Greek city of Delphi (Phocis region)

The ancient Greek city of Delphi in Greece
The ruins of the theater in the ancient Greek city of Delphi
If you study the sights of Ancient Greece briefly, not having the opportunities for a long tour, you should definitely visit Delphi - this is an ancient Greek religious center, the birthplace of numerous myths and legends, and now a large archaeological reserve. The ruins of former structures rest on the slope of Mount Parnassus, 10 kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth, at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level. It's hard to believe, but the age of the ancient city has more than 3 millennia! Its rich history can be traced in such archaeological sites as the Temple of Apollo with the Delphic Oracle, the Treasury of the Athenians, the Temple of Athena Pronaia, the stadium, the amphitheater, and the ancient gymnasium. After wandering through the numerous ruins, you can go to the local museum of ancient Greek culture or go 1.5 km from the ancient city to a miniature town,

18. Aquarium of Crete (Gourne)

Crete Aquarium in Greece
People watch a shark in the Crete Annatsach aquarium
When choosing Greece sights for children, the trip should definitely include a trip to the island of Crete, to the town of Gourne, which is known in the tourist environment due to the giant aquarium, which is a complex of structures with huge reservoirs where you can see the most diverse representatives of marine fauna. In total, 60 expositional tanks are represented here, in which about 2.5 thousand different marine organisms, represented by about 250 species, live. The design of the tanks most accurately repeats the natural relief of the seabed, which creates the feeling of being somewhere in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. A walk through the complex, equipped with beautiful lighting, turns into an exciting journey through the depths of the sea, which causes genuine interest in both children and adults.
Official website: https: // cretaquarium

19. The medieval city of Rhodes

The medieval city of Rhodes in Greece
Panoramic view of the medieval buildings of the city of Rhodes
The historical treasure of Greece is the medieval city of Rhodes, an invaluable open-air museum. In this city, everything from walls and gates to fortresses and temples preserves the rich history of the city and Greece as a whole. Rhodes was founded in the 5th century BC and over its vast history, it has survived a series of striking events that have left their mark on urban architecture. In general, the city consists of 2 parts: one of them is modern, with developed tourist infrastructure, the second is an ancient, the so-called Old Town. What can be seen today in the Old Town is a series of buildings dating back to the Middle Ages: powerful walls with 11 entrances, of which only 5 remained operational, the country's oldest synagogue of the 16th century, the immense Rhodes fortress of the times of the Knight's Order, the church St. Panteleimon of the 14th century, Acropolis with the remains of the ancient theater,

20. The ancient city of Mystra (city of Sparta)

The ancient city of Mystras in Greece
Metropolis - the dean of the oldest monasteries of the medieval city of Mystra
In the southernmost part of mainland Greece, the region of Laconia, there are two prominent ancient Greek cities - Sparta and Mystra. And if even people far from travel have heard about the first, only researchers and few tourists traveling within the Peloponnese are familiar with the second. Mystra, founded by the Crusaders in the 13th century, is located on the steep slopes of the Taiget Mountains. Now it is an abandoned ghost town that for many centuries has kept intact the most valuable historical monuments - the remains of houses, fortifications, churches, monasteries and the ruins of a medieval castle on a hill. Today Mistra is a small village that can be reached by car or bus from Sparta in a matter of minutes. In order to get to the protected archaeological zone, you will need to climb from the settlement up one of two paths,

21. Holy Mount Athos (Halkidiki Peninsula)

Mount Athos in Greece
One of twenty “ruling" monasteries on Mount Athos in Greece
For any Christian, Mount Athos is a place full of deepest meaning. This is the land of monasticism, a kind of state in the state, living according to its own spiritual laws. For example, the monks here use the old style calendar - Julian, and their monastic republic is subordinated not to secular authority, but to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. This land is called the inheritance of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Virgin Mary guards the peace of the monastic fraternity. In the bosom of unspoiled Athos nature there are twenty male monasteries, among which one is Russian. An important point: only men can step on the holy land, and even they will have to get special permission for this. But do not forget that Mount Athos is divided into two parts - religious and ordinary, where women can come.

22. Acropolis of Lindos (Lindos city)

Acropolis of Lindos in Greece
The remains of the ancient temple of Athens, IV century BC on the southern edge of the Linda Acropolis
For those who go to Greece for the first time and have a limited time, we recommend that you make a route, what to see in Greece for a week. It should include the most iconic, cult places that will form a general portrait of this Balkan country. And they certainly should include the city of Lindos, located on the island of Rhodes near its capital. According to historical data, the ancient city was founded in the 12th century BC. Here, on the top of the hill, is the Acropolis, to the ancient buildings of which there is a long staircase with many spans. The entire ancient city is located on several levels: relief objects of the first level include relief cave paintings of the Podium and the ship, on the second there is a knight's fortress and a temple of Roman times, on the third - Portico and the ruins of the Byzantine church, on the last - the temple of Athena of Lindia.

23. Myrtos Beach (Kefalonia Island)

Myrtos Beach in Greece
Exotic Myrtos Beach on the picturesque island of Kefalonia
The Greek island of Kefalonia also has its own interesting places that are valued by pristine natural beauty. These include Myrtos beach - a cozy and secluded sandy corner by the sea, hidden in the environment of huge hills overgrown with greenery. Myrtos is one of the most picturesque and clean, from an environmental point of view, beaches in the world. The strip of sandy beach has a rounded shape, and from its western part in the evening there are excellent views of the sunset. Despite its pristine appearance, Myrtos is well equipped for relaxation - there are sun loungers, umbrellas, showers, bars, although the other part is still untouched by civilization, representing an ideal place for complete isolation, silence and privacy. You can get to the beach via an asphalt road, which leads to the coast itself, where a small parking lot is equipped.

24. Venetian harbor of Chania (Crete)

Chania Venetian Harbor in Greece
Venetian harbor in the city of Chania in the north of Crete
About 3 thousand islands surrounding the Balkan Peninsula are island Greece .The sights of Crete make a huge contribution to the country's treasury, due to the huge number of memorial sites and interesting objects collected on this island. Chania's Venetian harbor is one of them. It was built in the 14th century during the period of Venetian rule, and today it is the heart of the Old Town of Chania. From the ancient Venetian fortifications today only a few of them remain, the Firkas bastion, as well as covered docks, a customs building, and finally, the recognizable symbol of Chania, the Egyptian lighthouse, are best preserved. Today, the harbor is one of the favorite places for recreation - along the coastline there are many bars, restaurants and cafes, sitting in which you can not only taste Mediterranean cuisine, but also admire the beautiful sea panorama.

25. Samaria Gorge (mountains of Lefka-Ori)

Samaria Gorge in Greece
Hiking trail in the Samaria Gorge on the island of Crete
Often a trip to places of worship in Greece takes place in hustle and bustle, which it is advisable to dilute with a more relaxing holiday - for example, going to the island of Crete, where there are such non-tourist places in Greece, which are famous for pristine nature, with its inherent atmosphere of calm and detachment. One of such places is Samaria gorge, located in the Lefka-Ori massif. It has the official status of a national park, and several hiking trails of various complexity are laid here, saturated with the fantastic beauty of these places. Most of the gorge is made up of thickets of pines, oaks and cypresses, and more than 400 species of plants, mainly endemic. The total length of the gorge is about 13 kilometers, the height where you need to climb varies from 200 to 1000 meters,
Near Greece is the ideal country for a budget holiday - Bulgaria. When in Greece, consider visiting this country as well. Read about the sights of Bulgaria and plan your future trip to Europe!

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