Top 20 Places of Malta

Going on a trip? Do you dream of visiting an island? Then it’s good for you to get acquainted with the information about the sights of Malta, perhaps this area will interest you. If we talk about the resort itself, the archipelago is located in the Mediterranean Sea, namely on the south side of the island of Sicily. The state includes as many as five parts of land surrounded by water, some of which are uninhabited. So what to see in Malta? We’ll talk about this, below is an extensive list of interesting places that are worthy of attention.

What to see in Malta first?

If you plan a long trip, you need to think through all its details. This applies not only to the place of stay, what you will eat, but also what places to visit. In order not to lose sight of the main attractions of the Republic, it makes sense to get acquainted with the rating of the most famous places today.

1. The Botanical Garden of St. Anthony

St. Anthony Botanical Garden - Malta Attractions
Path in the botanical garden of St. Anthony
It is better to start exploring interesting places with an acquaintance with an island of vegetation located near a natural reservoir. Here you will get acquainted with the most exotic trees, flowers and shrubs. For tourists, it was opened in 1882. Reviews about this place are only positive. In it literally everything admires - graceful sidewalks, decorative ponds with swans, sculptures. Plants in the garden are collected from all over the world, and some are planted in the ground more than 300 years ago. Acquaintance with the botanical garden will be interesting to any tourist.

2. Azure window

Azure Window - Malta Attractions
Azure Window on Gozo Island
There is a naturally formed arch on Gozo Island, which is a real miracle of nature. Unfortunately, under the influence of external factors, the Azure window gradually crumbles. This means that being close to him can be dangerous. However, this place remains an excellent landscape for filming. Not far from the arch are other sights of Malta of natural origin.

3. The Observation Deck of the Upper Barracque Gardens

Barracque Upper Gardens Observation Deck - Malta Attractions
Observation Deck of the Upper Barracque Gardens
Her photo is not difficult to find on the Internet, because the place is really interesting. By the number of visited Upper Barrakka Gardens ahead of many of the sights of Malta. There are not only rare species of flowers and trees that are planted in tiers. A variety of statues, cannon artillery also attract attention. There is a tradition on the island: to shoot cannons at noon, it is still respected. An indescribable view opens from the top point, not only in the vicinity of the capital of the state, but also in other cities, Grand Harbor Bay.
Official website: http: //www.cityofvalletta

4. Mdina

Mdina - Malta Attractions
Museum City of Mdina
Among the best attractions are the former capital of the archipelago. It is a fortified settlement with a rich history. Approximately 4 thousand years old, the total area slightly exceeds 1 km 2 , the population is 300 people. A settlement was built on a rock, and a stone wall was erected around it. What else to visit in Malta?

5. Ghar Dalam Cave

Ghar Dalam Cave - Malta Attractions
View of the cave of Ghar Dalam Sudika
It is formed by mountains located on the southeast coast. They discovered it at the end of the XIX century, then it was found that it includes several layers. Among them were even found the remains of animals that were unique in their kind, human bones. Interesting finds are examples of art. Tourists can visit only the first 50 m of the cave of 144 m. At the entrance there is a museum with interesting exhibits. It is in this direction that excursions in Malta are often organized.
Feel the atmosphere of Malta in this beautiful video!

6. Basilica of the Virgin Mary Ta-Pina

Basilica of Our Lady of Ta-Pina - Malta Attractions
Basilica of the Virgin Mary Ta-Pina
What to see in Malta in 1 day? Visit the Catholic temple, which is located on the island of Gozo. Once upon a time there was a chapel of the XVI century, but in 1920 the construction of a modern church began, it lasted 11 years. The building rises in the middle of the countryside, in the district there are hills. According to the guides of Malta, this is a vivid example of the technical use of local stone. The interior is represented by paintings carved from natural stone, mosaics, friezes of the nave.

7. Megalithic temple complex Mnaidra

Mnaidra Megalithic Temple Complex - Malta Attractions
Unique view of the megalithic temple complex Mnaidra
His image is on small coins. Buildings for worship are located in the southern part of the country, right on the shores of the Mediterranean SeaWhen Mnaidra was erected, it is unknown, tentatively this happened in 3600 BC. Strong coral limestone was used as the main building material. It is characterized by resistance to water, sunlight. In order to protect from negative weather conditions, the complex is covered with a tent. It is open to the public, but appreciating the greatness of the megalith is difficult here.

8. Laskaris Hopper

Laskaris Bunker - Malta Attractions
Board indicators and code words - exhibits of Laskaris Lisa Aimi bunker
This attraction is located in the city of Valletta. It includes a whole system of tunnels built underground. At one time, separate rooms were made in them, they are interconnected by passages. During World War II, the main headquarters was located in the Laskaris bunker. His activity then consisted in the planning of military operations, management during their implementation. In 2009, it became accessible to society, and after a while a museum was opened at its base.

9. Casa Ross Ross Piccol

Casa Rossa Piccola - Malta Attractions
One of the rooms of the Casa Ross Ross Piccol Museum Jeff Marquis
What else to see in Malta? Attention deserves the palace erected in Valletta one of the last. At one time, orders of chivalry were ordered to build a city that could compete with European capitals. Then there were numerous palaces, one of which was Casa Rossa Piccola. And today the castle is privately owned, but at the same time it is open to the public. The interior is characterized by the presence of rich furniture, a collection of antique dishes and paintings.

10. Classic Car Museum

Classic Car Museum - Malta Attractions
Exposition of the Classic Car Museum Jaguar at Czech Wikipedia
This place is interesting because it offers an unusual exhibition, consisting of samples of vehicles from the gold fund of the global automotive industry. The description says that tourists are offered the opportunity to see classic cars, from which history blows. This is a great opportunity to see how far progress has moved forward.

11. Lower Gardens of Barack

Barakka Lower Gardens - Malta Attractions
Green corner of the lower gardens of Barack
This is a great place to walk, quiet, comfortable, because few tourists get here. The surrounding atmosphere encourages you to gather your thoughts, allows you to enjoy magnificent views and peace. In the Lower Gardens of Barrakka, it is worth paying attention to the monument to Alexander Bell, which has the appearance of an ancient temple. It was built in gratitude to the commander who led a rebellion against the French. The described attraction is made in honor of the heroes who died during World War II.
Official website: http: //www.cityofvalletta

12. Fort Sant'Angelo

Fort Sant'Angelo - Malta Attractions
Panorama of Fort Sant'Angelo
Military fortification located in the city of Birgu. It is believed that it was built during the Roman Empire. During the existence of the fort, it was repeatedly rebuilt and strengthened. Its latest addition is considered to be a tower, the remains of which date from the 11th century. A certain part of the fortification is used as a war museum.

13. St. Paul's Cathedral (Mdina)

St. Paul's Cathedral (Mdina) - Malta Attractions
Catholic Cathedral of St. Paul (Mdina)
This is a large Catholic church, built between 1697-1702. The place was not chosen by chance; it was there that the first bishop of the archipelago met the Apostle Paul. It is believed that he landed on the island after a shipwreck.

14. Mjarr

Mjarr - Malta Attractions
The bay and the small village of Mjarr
This landmark of Malta is also known as Imjarr. It is a small village in the northwestern part of the state. Local residents are mainly engaged in agriculture, namely on farms, vineyards in the district. A feature of Mjarra is the presence of archaeological sites that are on the UNESCO list.

15. The gun "Armstrong"

Armstrong Gun - Malta Attractions
Armstrong Cannon - McKarri Live Artillery
Armstrong cannon. Continuing the review of interesting places on the archipelago, I would like to mention the Armstrong cannon. This is a military weapon weighing more than 90 tons, capable of firing at a distance of 6.5 km. There is a cannon in Fort Rinella, which is not far from the fortified capital of Valletta.
Official website:

Malta Attractions: What else to visit in Malta?

Going on vacation, try to learn about the country as much as possible. For example, where can I go in Malta? You can visit unique restaurants such as La Maltija in Paceville or Fumia in Valletta. Portomaso Cafe is also quite good. It will not be superfluous to see the rating of institutions, such information is freely available on the Internet.
Back to the main thing, what to visit in Malta, what are the significant places?

16. Golden Bay Beach

Golden Bay Beach - Malta Attractions
Charming sandy beach Golden Bay
The sandy beach of Golden Bay is considered one of the most popular on the island. It is located on the north-west coast, characterized by spaciousness, well-equipped, marked with the Blue Flag. On the beach you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also engage in water sports, have picnics and even parties. Golden Bay is known for underwater currents in winter, due to the instability of weather conditions. It’s easy to get to the place of rest, because public transport goes there, but you can also rent a car.

17. Spinola Bay

Spinola Bay - Malta Attractions
Yachts in Spinola Bay
Spinola Bay - it is located in one of the most picturesque and lively resorts called San Julias. It gives a special view of the city panorama; there is practically no development near the bay. There was a place for a large number of ducks, which are admired not only by local, but also by guests of the country. The most beautiful views can be seen in the bay during sunset.

18. Blue Grotto

Blue Grotto - Malta Attractions
Romantic and majestic Blue Grotto
If you are among the people who are easy to climb, then the Blue Grotto is for you. Getting to it is not so easy, but believe me, the sight you saw is worth it. We are talking about a whole complex of sea caves, which are located near the village of Krandi, namely in the southern part of the state. Under the sun, water acquires a bright blue color, which shimmers with a wide variety of shades. The total depth of the grotto is 45 m. This place was also chosen by the English military, who loved to relax there with their families. Often this attraction of Malta can be found in the movies. It is interesting to know that the authorities set a limit on her visit. On a day, a complex of caves can visit no more than 25 boats with tourists on board. The reason for this is the complex terrain, intense unrest in the described area.

19. The Palace of the Grand Master

Grand Master's Palace - What to see in Malta
The interior of the palace of the Grand Master Marie-Lan Nguyen
The Palace of the Grand Master is another place that can be found in the recommendations for a trip to an island state. Once it belonged to the knights, then the British, but now it is the residence of the president and parliament of the country described. His visit is absolutely free for all comers, but only in his free time from government meetings. In appearance, the palace is rated as ascetic, but inside everything looks very rich. The palace, which stood for several centuries, was built in 1575. The local architect Girolamo Kassar was the developer of the construction plan, and the interior was painted under the supervision of Nicolaou Nazoni. Externally, a large public building made in the style of the XVI century. By visiting it, you will definitely be delighted. What is the famous Council Hall with expensive tapestries. At one time they were specially woven and brought from France. While relaxing at the resort, do not miss the opportunity to admire the exquisite frescoes, portraits of the rulers of the European state. If desired, you can visit the weapons museum. It is located in the basement of the building, the presented collection is considered one of the largest in the world.

20. Hypogeeus Hal-Saflieni

Hypogheus Hal Saflieni - What to see in Malta
Mid-level underground hall of the Hypogeeus Hal Saflieni temple xiquinhosilva
Hypogeeus Hal Saflieni - is a megalithic underground sanctuary on the island, namely in the city of Paola. Its feature is that it consists of 34 rooms that are hollowed out in the thickness of limestone. The dungeon has been deservedly considered a World Heritage Site since 1980. There is reason to believe that a community burial ground functioned in hypogee, and for many years. Throughout their life, the ancient inhabitants made more and more corridors, grottoes. They buried the dead in them. Due to this, the area of ​​the complex underground reached 480 m 2What's up with this place now? After reconstruction, a modern foyer was equipped in the dungeon, implying the presence of a cafe, a video room, partitions, metal stairs, and a lighting system. Unfortunately, you cannot take pictures in hypogee, the reason is unclear.

In conclusion

Concluding the review, I would like to say that the described archipelago is that place on planet Earth that, if possible, is really worth a visit. It is really rich in interesting places, of which there are about 265 in total. Hotels in Malta are not a problem either, a room can be booked long before departure to the island. There are special sites for this, such as . It provides the most detailed, and most importantly, reliable information about places where you can settle down and comfortably spend an unforgettable vacation.
The cost usually depends on the living conditions, the included services, and, of course, the chosen resort. You can stay in Valletta, Mellieha, Shaar, St. Julian's and more. In any case, you need to plan a trip in advance in order to spend time as interesting, useful and comfortable as possible.

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