The best attractions of the Azores

The Azores - in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of 1,500 km from Portugal, are the westernmost part of the European continent.
Created archipelago of 9 islands covering an area of ​​600 sq.m. The largest in size is San Miguel, the smallest is Corvo. There is a division of the territory into 3 groups:
  • central with five islands;
  • eastern with two large islands and united ants "ants";
  • northwest with two islands.
The archipelago appeared after volcanic eruptions, therefore it differs in rocky surfaces. Quake often enough. The highest point on Mount Pico (2351 meters). The formed craters were filled with water, because there are many lakes.

Mount Pico on the island of Pico in the Azores
Mount Pico on the island of Pico Unukorno

The subtropical climate prevails, because the temperature regimes are balanced. In winter it is warm enough, even at night it is close to +13 o . In summer it is not stuffy, it is warmest in August, when the temperature peak is +30 o . The period September-April is rainy and foggy. The island of Santa Maria has differences, it is not like in the whole territory - most of the time it is sunny.
The Azores may be called a year-round tourist resort. If you are visiting the sights of Portugal , then be sure to check here! The best months to relax are from June to September. For walks and admiring nature, spring is more suitable. You can look at the whales, which so attract tourists, during their migration. Swimming with dolphins is real from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The archipelago is visited by many ornithologists and great connoisseurs of birds. August-December is more suitable for such a trip.

Key types of relaxation

The Azores and their attractions on the photo and descriptions are really worth attention. They offer various types of recreation, starting from the preferences and wishes of tourists:


On the territory of the Azores there are not a large number of sandy beaches. Most of them in Santa Maria, Faial and San Miguel, other beach areas are covered with frozen lava. This minus compensates for the picturesque placement of hotel complexes. Most of them are built along the coastal hills, because of the terraces have a beautiful view of the ocean. Almost all hotel complexes are equipped with outdoor pools;

Beach on the island of San Miguel in the Azores
Beach on the island of San Miguel Luissilveira


With unique volcanic nature and rich fauna, the local waters attract lovers of underwater “exploration”. Tourists can go on short trips to observe rare sea species. Their number is really amazing, because every tourist will have something to see. The village of Punta Topo is located on the island of Pico, for 20 years it has remained a natural park - it was impossible to fish and dive, because nowadays all places are in excellent untouched condition.
Tourists can enjoy whale watching with diving;

Whale watching in the Azores
Whale Watching - Vacation for Tourists

Ecological tourism

In 1995, the Azores were awarded prizes for the conservation of untouched nature and the development of ecological recreation. The archipelago is a riot of wild vegetation. Each island offers its own tourist routes. The most interesting place to visit is relict forests, once in ancient times they grew throughout the archipelago. They are located so high that their tops cover the clouds. Most places are inaccessible, today there are many hiking trails for lovers of hiking. A very popular destination is to watch whales and dolphins. The local waters inhabit many species of dolphins and 23 species of whales; sperm whales are particularly attracted. Ornithologists come to learn about new species of birds, including rare ones;

A typical road with hydrangeas on about.  Terceira in the Azores
A typical road with hydrangeas on about. Terceira Luissilveira

Sightseeing Tours

The key asset of the Azores remains their nature with boats, volcanic lakes, waterfalls, useful springs, a green park on Lake San Miguel. The islands are rich in various cultural sites. The Portuguese managed to leave all sorts of buildings and sights, memorable places for five centuries;

Lake on the island of San Miguel on the Azores in Portugal
Lake on the island of San Miguel in Portugal Jwp1234


Craters of asleep volcanoes are filled with water; throughout the territory there are a large number of amazingly beautiful lakes. Algar do Carvao Cave, formed on the island of Tracer, has a length of 100 meters. It ends with a lake underground, the depth of which depends on the amount of precipitation during the season. On the island of Pico there is a volcano of the same name (altitude 2351 meters above sea level). There are 7 lakes on Florish Island. It is better to look at them in warm time, because in other seasons they are inhaled by thick fogs. Lake Funda is considered the most beautiful, since there are sandbanks and shores with dense vegetation. In the south-east of Graciosa, visitors descend into the crater of the volcano, here they took a small area for “tasty” gatherings. It is better to go during the lunchtime, when the sun at its zenith completely illuminates the formed cave.

Azores Attractions

San Miguel, due to the large amount of greenery, also has the name Green Island. San Miguel from the Azores allows tourists to see many attractions:
  • Church of St. Sebastian, having a treasury;
  • Carlos Mochado Museum;
Official website: http: // museucarlosmachado
  • Valley of Grottoes Valais dash Furnas, with wellness springs;
  • St. Peter's Church;
  • palaces of two centuries;
  • the oldest estate of Carlos Buchid;
  • Sete Cidades crater, in which two lakes formed - Green and Blue;

Sete Cidades Crater with two lakes: Green and Blue on the Azores
View of the Mickey Løgitmark Crater Lakes

  • Terra Nostra park zone of amazing beauty, where evergreen tropical vegetation grows, like ferns and various flowers;
  • relict forest of 600 hectares.
On the island you can take a great horse ride. Routes are designed for various craftsmen. It is also possible to go on a tour to a tea, coffee or pineapple plantation.

Tea plantation on the Azores in Portugal
Tea Plantation on the Azores Luissilveira

Terceira Island

Terceira Island has many churches, ancient fords and baroque palaces. Most natural and cultural monuments were hit by the 1980 earthquake. What you should pay attention to on the island:
  • Algar do Carvao Cave is the most impressive attraction, representing a 100 meter lava tube. Inside the underground lake, it is filled with seasonal rainfall. Also worth noting is the sulfur source;
  • Angra do Heroizhmo is the historical center of the capital, which is protected by UNESCO;
  • a rather extreme show for amateurs and daredevils, reminiscent of the Spanish bullfighting, only with the use of umbrellas;
  • wine museum - this is the birthplace of the famous verdelho drink.

Faial Island

Visitors to Faial Island can appreciate the churches decorated with tiled and gilded carving, the port with ocean sailing boats, the protected area of ​​Caldeira, the observation deck of Monte de Gia, the cave recesses of Costa da Feteita.

The protected area of ​​Caldeira on the island of Fayal in the Azores
The protected area of ​​Caldeira on the island of Fayal Ote

Extreme lovers prefer the island of Santa Maria. In the town of Vila do Porto, there are many small nice buildings, churches and chapels in which the satellites of Columbus recited prayers.
Pico Island is volcanic. It is worth noting the wine museum and the ancient churches. But more excitement is caused by the presence of whales that migrate near the coast.

Florish island

Scenic Area of ​​Florish Island
Florish Island - The Perfect Place for True Nature Lovers Paulo Valdivieso

On the island of Florisch, baroque buildings and churches, Ribeira Grande waterfall, 7 lakes. The city of Santa Cruz with its original mansions, baroque churches, an ethnographic museum, organizes all kinds of tours, boat trips to the Enshareush Grotto, and to seven lakes. The town is visited by a large number of tourists.

Graciosa Island

Glaciosa Natural Park on the island of Glaciosa in the Azores
Glaciosa Natural Park on the island of Glaciosa Luissilveira

Graciosa Island has preserved the streets of ancient times and the buildings of the 18th century, it houses the Cathedral of the 17th century and the Manueline Cross. A sulfur cave is often visited, the decoration of which is an underground lake.

São Jorge Island

Coast of the island of Sao Jorge
View of the captivating landscape of the coast of the island of San Jorge User: Luissilveira

On the island of São Jorge, there is the fishing port of Velas, which attracts visitors with its noble estates, churches and fortress walls of the 18th century.

Laguna de Caldeira in the north of Corvo Island
Two small picturesque lakes in the crater of the extinct volcano Caldeiran on the island of Corvo User: Luissilveira

The smallest island in the Corvo archipelago is of volcanic origin. On its territory is the famous Laguna de Caldeira. This is a two-kilometer crater of the extinct volcano Caldeira.

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