Preparations for the trip to Bavaria


I still remember as if it was yesterday the first time I saw his image, it was many years ago, in a puzzle and I immediately discovered that it was the same as the castle that so many had seen in Disney movies.
From that moment I knew that I would ever see it live and since we started traveling, we have always had it as a top destination on our list.
As in so many other things, you can not always do what you want, but this time we had resisted enough that this year we put all our effort into getting there.
Being on November 18 a local holiday that falls on Sunday and changing it to Monday, we find 3 days that came with pearls for this trip to Bavaria .
Let's go to…
trip to bavaria
Neuschwanstein Castle. Germany. Trip to Bavaria
Munich and the Neuschwanstein Castle !!!
We know that it is not the best time for the trip to Bavaria and we already have that we will be cold and possibly we will find snow. But that, if possible, is giving more excitement to this trip to Bavaria and it would not be bad to see the snowy Neuschwanstein Castle. ðŸ™‚
We also have the hotels, the first day, arriving Friday night, we have booked a hotel near the airport.
The second night we will do it in Fussen, of which we have been told wonders and from which we want to squeeze everything we can on that day ...
And already on the last day and night we will spend it in Munich, knowing a city from which, also, They have explained great things to us.

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